6th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, West Virginia, June 1987
Authors: H. Maleki and J. Aggson (AAI), F. Miller (Utah Power & Light Co.), and J. F.T. Agapito (AAI)

A comprehensive study consisting of stress determinations, core logging, laboratory testing, and numerical analyses was conducted to investigate the cause and potential alternatives to the coal bump conditions that developed in the Second North Panel of the Little Dove Mine near Huntington, Utah. Roof rock characteristics were such that a cave did not develop above this 420-ft-wide panel. After 700 ft of pillar retreat, severe coal bump conditions developed during pillar mining. The coal bump conditions resulted from excessive pillar stress which was caused by load transfer from the extracted, noncaving, portion of the panel. Site-specific data and numerical modeling techniques were used to back-analyze the bump prone condition. This back-analysis lead to the identification of critical stress, closure, and energy release levels. These critical levels were then used to evaluate alternative pillar mining sequences in the hope that the potential for coal bumps could be reduced. It was found that while alternative sequences offered some potential improvement over the pillar mining sequence used in the mine, alternative pillar mining sequences would not significantly reduce the potential for bumps. For the roof characteristics at this mine, coal bumps are best avoided by developing narrow panels or significantly wider panels, which incorporate properly sized barrier pillars. Narrow panels, on the order of 300 ft, would not cave, but panel pillar stresses and the potential for bumps would be moderated by the reduced panel width. Wider panels, of approximately 650 ft, would allow a cave to develop, also reducing panel pillar stresses and coal bump potential.

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