Elk Creek Geotechnical Program Agapito Associates, Inc. (AAI) has been involved in long-term geotechnical investigation and design at the Oxbow Mining, LLC, Elk Creek Mine, dating back to the [...]
Underground Coal Gasification Cavern Subsidence GasTech, Inc. (GasTech) is in the process of permitting a series of underground coal gasification (UCG) wells as part of a pilot project in the [...]
Chevron Mining, Inc. Highwall Slope Stability AAI has investigated various aspects of highwall stability at several pits at the Kemmerer Mine, including large-scale slope failure, wedge analysis, [...]
West Ridge Resources, Inc. (WRRI) commissioned Agapito Associates, Inc. (AAI) to analyze subsidence potential from planned longwall mining in the vicinity of the Grassy Trail reservoir adjacent [...]
Piceance Basin, Colorado American Shale Oil Corporation (AMSO) holds one of three preference right leases granted in 2007 by the U. S. Bureau of Land Management for the research, design, and [...]
Solution Mining of Halite The stability and subsidence potential of solution-mined cavity clusters in a well-developed field in the Hutchinson salt were evaluated by AAI to provide a basis for [...]
Molybdenum ore is mined by block caving methods at Molycorp’s Questa Mine. AAI has provided geotechnical consulting services to the mine since 1979 as follows: Evaluation of decline rock support [...]
West Elk Mine—Somerset, CO AAI has provided underground geotechnical engineering services to Mountain Coal Company’s West Elk Mine since the 1980s. Services include installation of geotechnical [...]