15th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Golden, Colorado, 13–15 August 1996
Authors: A. M. Richardson and L. J. Gilbride (AAI), and J. Trackemas and J. Mercier (Cyprus Plateau Mining Corporation)

The significance of a massive sandstone unit in the immediate roof to longwall support weighting is well known. If the unit lies in the main roof above the zone of caving, its influence becomes more difficult to calculate using traditional methods. Much of the reserves at Cyprus Plateau’s new, multi-seam Willow Creek Mine are located in the A Seam. The massive Kenilworth Sandstone is typically situated 21.3 m (70 ft) above the A Seam in the mine roof and is on average 14.6-m (48-ft) thick, ranging to 29.0-m (95-ft) thick. This paper describes the application of distinct-element modeling to determination of the appropriate yield capacity for supports at Willow Creek. The modeling was determined to be useful for understanding support loading mechanisms and as an aid to engineering judgment in selecting supports.

Downloadable PDF:  The Influence of Massive Sandstones in the Main Roof on Longwall Support Loading

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