In today’s regulatory climate, proper mine planning and design to reduce the impact of subsidence is critical. Agapito Associates LLC has the expertise to plan and design mines in order to reduce the impacts of subsidence at subsurface and ground surface.
Agapito’s employees have substantial experience monitoring, characterizing, and predicting ground subsidence associated with conventional mining, solution mining, and underground storage operations. Regular monitoring and characterization of subsidence is sometimes required for conventional underground mines, and is an efficient and economical means of monitoring the integrity of solution-mined caverns.
Agapito frequently models subsidence to assess potential impacts to resources and a variety of infrastructure types, such as buildings, roads, rail lines, pipelines, powerlines, roads, agriculture or forested lands, and groundwater. With the use of analytical and numerical methods, Agapito is able to develop detailed geomechanical models to predict future subsidence by calibrating our models to the data acquired through subsidence monitoring.

Agapito’s engineers and geologists are well qualified to solve your subsidence-related problems.
- Subsidence monitoring and characterization
- Subsidence prediction
- Calibrating geomechanical models to measured subsidence data
- Mine layout, planning, and sequencing to control ground subsidence
- Development of subsidence monitoring plans
- Characterizing the impact of subsidence on cemented well casings
- Quantifying the effect of subsidence on surface and subsurface infrastructure
- Regulatory filings related to subsidence monitoring